KDI has the experience and ability to segregate and prepare recyclable plastic into their specialized individual components to maximize value. We have the proven responsiveness to adapt to evolving market opportunities – diversifying from an initial focus on domestic waste and volume cardboard recyclables.
Our team has developed the capability to rapidly modify production setups to deal with plastic streams from many sources and thus optimize potential market value.
Services include:
- Total waste management to businesses
- Cardboard and plastic recycling
- Car bumper recycling
- Product breakdown & secure destruction
- Stock clearances
- Supply of bins, waste equipment and consumables (bin liners, baling wire, etc)
- Bespoke waste management and recycling services
KDI is efficient and customer-focused in its operation and has the capability to deal with a variety of plastic streams through its agile operational model.
List of achievements:
- Established a sustainable and growing business employing local people and generating economic activity in our area.
- 2020 Local Enterprise Limerick Finalist.
- 2015 National Pride of Place winners as part of our community.

Since its establishment as a general recycling company KDI has refocused and refined its business to focus on waste plastics to ensure the business model is unique and sustainable. This has been in step with the international sustainability focus on plastic waste reduction.
Every tonne of plastic waste that is managed by KDI exerts a positive carbon footprint. Recycling one tonne of plastic saves the equivalent of 16 barrels of oil or 30 cubic yards of landfill space.
While KDI is currently operational as a recycling facility our intention is to broaden the base of our activity and as our name suggests to increase our scale through innovative ideas.
This project was supported by the Local Enterprise Office, Limerick, through co-funding from the Irish Government and the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020.
The project contributes to the SME support, promotion and capability development theme of the ERDF co-funded programme.